Latitude N 52° 09' 44" | Longitude W 07° 09' 09" | Elevation 39 m | Page refresh ::: 12:31 on 26 December 2024 |
Dawn: | 07:56 | Sunrise: | 08:37 | Moonrise: | 04:17 | |
Dusk: | 17:03 | Sunset: | 16:22 | Moonset: | 13:00 | |
Daylight: | 09:07 | Day length: | 07:45 | Moon Phase: | Waning Crescent |
This Weather site is located in Tramore Town , Co Waterford , Ireland. http://tramoreweathercam.com The weather station in use is the Davis Vantage Pro2 / Hydreon optical rain sensor used for rain detection. Page data will updated in seconds. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight. |
Local time ::: hrs | Local 24 hour forecast ::: Settled fine |
Page updated 08/07/2023 01:40:00
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