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Tramore Town Co Waterford Ireland
::live weather::
 Latitude N 52° 09' 44"  Longitude W 07° 09' 09"  Elevation 39 m   Page refresh :::  05:18 on 27 July 2024
Dawn: 05:00 Sunrise: 05:43 Moonrise: 23:55 Moon
Dusk: 22:09 Sunset: 21:26 Moonset: 13:43
Daylight: 17:09 Day length: 15:43 Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous

This Weather site is located in Tramore Town , Co Waterford , Ireland.  Flag

The weather station in use is the Davis Vantage Pro2 / Hydreon optical rain sensor used for rain detection.

Page data will updated in  seconds.  

The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.

WebCam Img

 Local time :::  hrs   Local 24 hour forecast   :::   Fine, possible showers
 Solar Sun Tag Sun Strength: [Low]    [High]  UV Alert :::  
Sunshine  (now) Day/Night
Sunshine Hours Today  hrs UV Index  (current) ( > 0.5UV)  UV   
Solar Radiation  (current)   Watts/m²  :   % of Max Today's Evapotranspiration  mm
 Temperature and Humidity Tmp Tag Temperature: [Low]    []  Temp Alert :::  
Air Temperature  °C   Hourly Temperature Trend 1hr:  °C/hr  3hr:  °C/hr     
Windchill  °C   Humidity %  
Apparent Temperature  °C   Dew Point  °C  
 Rainfall Rain Tag   Rain Rate: [Low]    [High]  Rain Alert ::  
Raining  (now) Rainfall last 24 Hours  mm
Rainfall Rate  (current)  ( > 0.2mm/hr)  mm/hr  Rainfall This Month  mm
Rainfall Last Hour  ( > 0.2mm)  mm    Rainfall This Year  mm
Rainfall Today  mm Last Recorded Rain   ( > 0.2mm) Date-24:07:2024 / Time-12:05
 Wind Wind Tag Wind Strength: [Low]    [High]   Wind Alert ::  
Wind Speed  (current)  km/h   Wind Bearing/Direction  (current) °   
Wind Speed  (avg)  km/h   Wind Bearing/Direction  (avg) °   
Wind Speed  (gust)  km/h   Beaufort Wind Scale                     !  !
 Pressure Bar Tag Pressure: [Low]    [High]   Pressure Alert ::  ! Falling slowly !
Barometer Pressure  (current)  mb   Pressure Trend  mb/hr  
Barometer Pressure   (min today)  Min:  mb / Time:  hrs Barometer Pressure   (max today)  Max:  mb / Time:  hrs

:  :

Page updated 08/07/2023 01:40:00
powered by Cumulus v1.9.4 (1088)